Considering buying in Addison, IL and the Surrounding Areas? Order an appraisal from Culling Appraisal Corp

It could be that an "appraisal" isn't something that you feel you want - but you certainly do need some assistance collecting information regarding local area and house sales information. Reports from Culling Appraisal Corp help you to make an educated purchasing decision. Our consulting services can help you come to an informed purchasing decision. Buying a home is a complex process, and we understand what you're going through.

Buying a house is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make, we can help. Contact us today.

Standard operating procedure for Culling Appraisal Corp includes...

  • Prompt response to your initial inquiry: In return to your inquiry, Culling Appraisal Corp will provide you with personalized information. There's no painful process involved; just tell us your situation and we'll make some helpful suggestions.
  • Our company guarantees prompt turnaround time: You'll get a response within one business day, and you'll see results in one week or less.
  • You won't need to be a real estate wiz to understand your report: One size doesn't fit all when it comes to appraisal and consulting. We offer a variety of report types and delivery styles.
  • A prompt response to follow-up inquiries: Appraisal reports from us are clearly written, understandable, and meet or exceed the Uniform Standards of Professional Practice that governs the appraisal practice in IL. If you have any issues in regards to your appraisal after you've looked over the report, you certainly should contact us.